- Brief History -
Year of Establishment: 1994
Total No. posts sanctioned: Teaching: 04, Nonteaching: 01
Classes: B.Sc. Part I, B.Sc. Part II, B.Sc. Part III
The department has One Career Oriented Course entitled as “Biodiversity conservation”. In terms of resources and infra-structure too, the department has enough latest audio-visual equipment at its disposal including, LCD projector with screen. The department has a good collection of books in the departmental library- some purchased and others donated by alumni as well as other wellwishers.
It also has a fair number of quality CDs and DVDs related to literature that enables us to arrange screenings for students from time to time. The college has also recently set up a Research Lab. The department conducts extra classes for slow and advanced learners. The Botany provides a forum to the students for extra and co-curricular activities such as horticultral practices, Seminars, Group discussions, Excursion Tours, Demonstration of Bonsai, Terrace gardening, Kitchen gardening. Wall paper is published. The students write about literature and other current issues which are included in the college magazine. Majority of the past students of the department have adopted for post graduate studies while some past students occupy important positions in administration and self employment.
Our Head of the department, Dr. Shakil D. Shaikh has 02 International Books, 43 Publications in national and international Journals. He has one ongoing Major research project sanctioned by DST-SERB Start Up Grant (Young Scientist) of 22,94,500/-. He has published two international books. He also worked Resource persons for various academic activities. He is acting as IQAC Coordinator of the college. He has been awarded 16 awards from various academic and reputed bodies.
The research work in the department was oriented towards biodiversity and its conservation. Dr. A. N. Chandore has one ongoing minor research funded by WWF, India, one minor completed funded by BCUD project and completed one major project by DST-SERB (Young Scientist) of 13, 32,000/- and also publish 49 research publications in national and international journals. He also worked Resource persons for various academic activities. He has been awarded 07 awards from various academic and reputed bodies.
Department has good collection of plant species. All in all, both the staff and the students of the department have been active in the past and hope to lead the department and college to greater heights in future too. As Students are from the rural agricultural background, research priority has been given to the problems of status of biodiversity, flora, weeds and medicinal importances of plants have been investigated.
In view of severe loss of plant wealth of the region in modern times, special attention is also given to conservation of rare and endangered plants. To achieve the above research objectives, the department has always tried to generate the resources through projects and research schemes of various agencies like UGC and DST-SERB. This has greatly helped the department in supporting the facilities such as 1) Botanical Garden 2) Polyhouse 3) Herbarium 4) Well Equipped laboratories 5) Research Laboratory 6) DSLR Cameras 7) GPS systems, 8) Stereo zoom Microscopes.
The research work carried out during last 5 years in the department has appeared in more than 50 papers published in various national and international journals and is also presented in seminars and conferences from time to time. The department organized two national Conferences in 2013 and 2018, The department organized Science Exhibitions and Seminar Competition for T.Y B. Sc students. Some faculty members also offer free consultancy services to different agencies. The faculty members are actively involved in various programmers among people through popular lectures in colleges. All these developments clearly speak of the bright future of the department.
The department has set up a botanical garden with some rare and endangered plant species in the campus. The fernery is established through the major research project to Dr. S. D. Shaikh. The biodiversity register is maintained at the department.